Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Shauna McLean: As told by husband Neil McLean

This is among the most inspiring stories I've heard. Shauna McLean is a 51-year-old Australian mother-of-two, who for the past ten years has been wheelchair bound with crippling MS. This is a disease that affects the myelin sheath of your neurons. Within months of starting on stem-cell enhancing products, Shauna has given away her wheelchair, regained her eyesight and her speech, and had an almost complete recovery from the disease that was slowly sapping her life.

You can read her story that appeared in Woman's Day (Aus) here, and see her video testimonial on the Adult Stem Cell Foundation website too. This is her story, as told by Neil McLean, and found here.

Shauna is a beautiful 51 year young mother of two from the Gold Coast in
Australia. Since 1992, the day her youngest daughter turned two, Shauna was
diagnosed with a double whammy: A brain tumour and Hashimoto’s Disease. After a
complicated and dangerous operation to remove the tumour, Shauna recovered, only
to be hit soon after with another autoimmune disease, Multiple Sclerosis. For
the last dozen or so years, Shauna has battled to stave off the devastating
effects of MS. By early 2009, the symptoms were at their worst… Shauna was in a
wheelchair, living in what MS people call a ‘mental fog’ and her whole body was
systematically shutting down. Her eyesight had deteriorated to its lowest ever
level, the whole right side of Shauna’s face had shut down, her taste was gone
and her throat was paralysed on one side. She was severely unbalanced physically
and the mental strain was showing its long-term effects. Then came a simple
phone that changed her life.

Shauna was contacted by long-time friend Bruce Lahey, Honorary Director of
the Adult Stem Cell Foundation who encouraged her to try stem cell enhancing
products that the foundation had sourced. Within four days, Shauna’s eyesight
had stabilised and for the first time in 15 years Shauna was seeing in ‘single
vision’ as opposed to seeing ‘double’. Her eyesight progressively improved to
the point where her prescription glasses were now of no use and ‘fine print’ had
come into focus. It was nothing short of miraculous! Now seeing better and more
clearly, Shauna’s world changed. She began to notice small things at first, then
major changes followed. She seemed to be ‘switching back on’ and was ‘with it’
more of each day. Her speech improved drastically and her cognitive processes
began to improve. Seeing and thinking more clearly led to walking without

Shauna’s whole family has shared in the joy of having Shauna back with us!
She is now walking everyday with her husband Neil and their dogs. (This confused
the dogs…they were so used to her being in the wheelchair). She is cooking again
and breaking out the sewing gear…both of which had been virtually eliminated
from Shauna’s life because she had lost dexterity strength In her hands and poor
eyesight. To say we as a family are delighted is a gross

The last family holiday we had was three and a half years ago. But despite
being in very poor condition to travel, Shauna covered up her true condition she
battled on and went on the holiday. Upon our return, we went straight from the
airport to the Neurologists rooms. Her doctor admitted Shauna to hospital on the
spot and that’s where she stayed for the next six weeks undergoing drastic
treatment to try and recover. Nicknamed the ‘comeback queen’ by her doctor,
Shauna recovered enough to finally leave hospital but was still battling like
mad on the inside. Fighting a disease where there is no known cure is like
heading down a long, dark tunnel with no light at the end. But Stem Cell
treatments finally provided light at the end of that insidious ‘ tunnel of no
hope’ for Shauna and thousands like her with an ‘incurable’ disease.

Originally we came across the XCell Centre in Germany… however, despite our
mutual enthusiasm, Shauna was rejected as a candidate due to the previous brain
tumour. We kept looking and persistence eventually paid off. We found ways to
access treatments approved in other countries. Today, there are products out
there which stimulate the growth of your own stem cells and deliver them to the
areas of the body where they are needed most.

Unfortunately, not many degenerative disease sufferers are aware of the
existance of these miraculous products, but they are truly working for Shauna…
finally, genuine and practical improvement, progress and just feeling better are
becoming Shauna’s general way of feeling. Now the formerly shy ‘don’t like being
the centre of attention’ woman is exciting to share her story to help others
find “HOPE” and just keep going. That is the basis of Shauna’s story… I hope
anyone who reads it will take both inspiration and hope from it.

-Neil McLean

A fantastic story about a truly inspiring woman, and true testament to the healing power of the human body, when helped along by Mother Nature.

1 comment:

  1. Great experiment shared by you. Actually Colostrum products are very good for giving results.
